Younger Toguro demon and one of the main antagonists during the Dark Tournament arc of Yu Yu Hakusho. Once a great martial arts master and Genkai’s lover, Toguro is psychologically scarred when a demon named Kairin kills all of the students at his dojo. Toguro and Genkai participate in the Dark Tournament and defeat Kairin in the final round. Toguro decides he does not want to age and lose his power, so as his prize for winning he asks to be turned into a demon. 50 years later he returns to the Dark Tournament, challenging Yusuke, hoping he has finally found a fighter worthy of his full 100% power.
Mitsuri Kanroji is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. She is a...
07 Feb
I am Mugen Power, a friendly Mugen enthusiast from your neighborhood. By day, I may blend into the scene as an ordinary salesman at a grocery store, but by night, I unleash my passion for Mugen, the ultimate playground for fighting games.