Scar, also known as Scarred Man, is a fictional character from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series and its adaptations created by Hiromu Arakawa. Scar is introduced as a villain who targets alchemists working for the state military from the fictional country of Amestris. Scar hails from the region of Ishval whose people were almost exterminated in a previous civil war against the state military, most notably their alchemists. His alias is derived from the prominent X-shaped scar that decorates his brow with his birth name being unknown. As the series continues, Scar’s backstory is further explored and he questions his motives, eventually joining the side of the Amestrian State military, assisting in an armed coup against the government in order to defeat the organization secretly responsible for the Ishvalan Civil War.
I am Mugen Power, a friendly Mugen enthusiast from your neighborhood. By day, I may blend into the scene as an ordinary salesman at a grocery store, but by night, I unleash my passion for Mugen, the ultimate playground for fighting games.