Ryuji Sakamoto is a playable character from Persona 5. He is a student at Shujin Academy and a former track star who lives a double life as a Phantom Thief. He considers himself the protagonist’s right-hand man.
Ryuji’s altruism is deeply rooted in his not wanting to have others go through the same tragedies as him. Because of how his beliefs operate, he would overcome his desire to be acknowledged for his actions as a necessity.
Miles Prower, mejor conocido por su apodo "Tails" es un personaje de la franquicia Sonic the Hedgehog,...
24 Mar
I am Mugen Power, a friendly Mugen enthusiast from your neighborhood. By day, I may blend into the scene as an ordinary salesman at a grocery store, but by night, I unleash my passion for Mugen, the ultimate playground for fighting games.