Description – Lunox, created by funeralBLAST for Mugen, is a powerful character from Mobile Legends. Her abilities revolve around the power to switch between two opposing forces: Chaos and Order. Lunox’s Chaos Assault unleashes devastating damage in her dark form, allowing for intense, explosive attacks. Meanwhile, her Starlight Pulse helps her recover health.
Character: | Lunox |
Author: | mourningBLAST |
Game / Series: | Mobile Legends |
Mugen Version: | Win Mugen / Mugen 1.0+ |
Downloads: | Link |
Name | Command |
Power Changer | Start |
Smart Combo 1 | A + A + A + A |
Smart Combo 2 | B + B + B + B |
Smart Combo 3 | C + C + C + C |
Skill 1 | X |
Skill 2 | Y |
Ultimate | Z |
- Download the character file to your computer and place it in the ‘chars‘ folder.
- Extract the file using WinRAR.
- Copy the file name and paste it into the “Insert your characters below‘’ section in the
data -> select.def
file. - Open the game and enjoy the new character.
Characters With The Same Theme