Himura Kenshin, also known as one of the legendary hitokiri of the Meiji Revolution, Himura Battōsai during the Meiji Revolution, is the main protagonist and titular character of the manga and anime series, Rurouni Kenshin. Kenshin has spent ten years traveling Japan as a rurouni in search of redemption, carrying a sakabatō with the vow to never kill again. In early 1878, he arrives in Tokyo and takes up residence at the Kamiya Dojo, where his vow is tested as he fights to keep the country’s peace.
He is voiced by Richard Cansino in the English version. Whereas he is voiced by Megumi Ogata in the Drama CDs, and by Mayo Suzukaze and currently Soma Saito in the Japanese version of the anime…
Yamato is the son of Kaidou. Born as Kaidou's daughter and groomed from a young age to...
08 Jun
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I am Mugen Power, a friendly Mugen enthusiast from your neighborhood. By day, I may blend into the scene as an ordinary salesman at a grocery store, but by night, I unleash my passion for Mugen, the ultimate playground for fighting games.