Aris Tendou , originally named AL-1S, is a one of the characters in the 2021 roleplay game Blue Archive who studies in Millennium Science School and wields a Railgun. She is the most recent member of the Game Development Department (GDD), a club focused on playing and creating games. Aris was brought in because the club was on the verge of shutting down and needed more members, but it seems Aris is enjoying her time as one of its members. She also has her own series on Youtube named “Sensei, I Will Have a Moment of Your Time!“, a series where she goes on short adventures with the Sensei of Schale, the main character of Blue Archive. Aris is a robot that was found in the Ruins of Millennium, specifically inside an abandoned munitions factory by two of the GDD members Momoi Saiba and Midori Saiba. It was revealed that she was originally a genocidal killing machine created by the Nameless Priests called the “Princess”…