Description – Tambourine, created by Justin Kaiser, is a character from the Dragon Ball universe. Known for his ruthless and cunning nature, Tambourine uses a range of powerful attacks to overpower his opponents. His signature moves, like Eye Laser and Shockwave, allow him to strike from a distance with high precision, while his Flying Kick delivers heavy physical damage. In Justin Kaiser’s Mugen version, these attacks are faithfully recreated, making Tambourine a dangerous and agile fighter.
Description – Tambourine, created by Justin Kaiser, is a character from the Dragon Ball universe. Known for his ruthless and cunning nature, Tambourine uses a range of powerful attacks to overpower his opponents. His signature moves, like Eye Laser and Shockwave, allow him to strike from a distance with high precision, while his Flying Kick delivers heavy physical damage. In Justin Kaiser’s Mugen version, these attacks are faithfully recreated, making Tambourine a dangerous and agile fighter.
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