Description - Sukuna Manga v.6 is a Mugen character created by RyoumenS, inspired by the legendary Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen.…
Description - Sukuna Heian (V.3) - Edited by Jonhny6969, originally created by dark night, Sukuna Heian is an iconic Mugen…
Description - Sukuna Manga, crafted and updated by Dark Night, brings an intense level of power to the Mugen universe.…
Description - Sukuna Shinjuku is a Mugen character created by MrFresh, featuring an updated version from previous releases. In this…
Sukuna (Heian Era), lived in the Golden Age of Sorcery, the Heian Era, his fingers were indestructible even after his Death…
Anime AllNarutoDragon BallOne PieceOne Pucnh ManDemon SlayerMy Hero AcademiaTokyo GhoulBleachSonicJujutsu KaisenBlack CloverAttack On TitanFairy TailHunter X HunterJojo’s Bizarre AdventureMarver X…
Ryomen Sukuna, more often referred to as simply Sukuna, is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from over a thousand years ago. Regarded as the…
Ryomen Sukuna, more often referred to as simply Sukuna, is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from over a thousand years ago. Regarded as the…
Ryomen Sukuna , more often referred to as simply Sukuna, is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from a thousand years ago. Regarded as the…
Sukuna is selfish, cold-hearted, immoral, and exceptionally sadistic. When he was reincarnated shortly after Yuji ingested his finger, he commented,…
Ryomen Sukuna, more often referred to as simply Sukuna , is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from a thousand years ago. Regarded as the…
Ryomen Sukuna , more often referred to as simply Sukuna , is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from a thousand years ago. Regarded as…
Ryomen Sukuna, more often referred to as simply Sukuna, is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer from a thousand years ago. Regarded as the undisputed King…