Sonic the Hedgehog is the titular main protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series and Sega’s mascot. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog born with the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, hence his name. As his species implies, Sonic can also roll up into a concussive ball, primarily to attack enemies.
Born on Christmas Island, Sonic abandoned his home at an early age to pursue danger and adventures. Becoming a carefree adventurer, he has spent most of his life traveling around the world and far beyond, usually in his beloved Tornado with his best friend, Tails, as his sidekick. A free-spirited and fun-loving adventurer, he has used his abilities to defend his world and those far beyond from the forces of evil, especially his arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman, and his empire.
Karasu is the commander of the North Army in the Revolutionary Army. Karasu is a tall, muscular, and bald man...
29 Apr
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I am Mugen Power, a friendly Mugen enthusiast from your neighborhood. By day, I may blend into the scene as an ordinary salesman at a grocery store, but by night, I unleash my passion for Mugen, the ultimate playground for fighting games.