Description – Raphtalia is a Mugen character created by Xkleitoss, designed in the Mugen style. Based on the character from The Rising of the Shield Hero series, Raphtalia is a skilled swordfighter and the loyal companion of Naofumi Iwatani. She features fast-paced sword attacks, defensive maneuvers, and iconic moves inspired by her anime counterpart. Her gameplay offers a balanced mix of offense and agility, making her a favorite among fans of Mugen.
Description – Raphtalia is a Mugen character created by Xkleitoss, designed in the Mugen style. Based on the character from The Rising of the Shield Hero series, Raphtalia is a skilled swordfighter and the loyal companion of Naofumi Iwatani. She features fast-paced sword attacks, defensive maneuvers, and iconic moves inspired by her anime counterpart. Her gameplay offers a balanced mix of offense and agility, making her a favorite among fans of Mugen.
Characters With The Same Theme
Characters With The Same Theme