Description – Kenjaku, crafted by XwDeark for Mugen, brings an authentic manga-inspired experience to the game. Mastering summoning techniques, Kenjaku can call upon powerful cursed spirits during battle, replicating moves and abilities closely aligned with the original manga. With a formidable range of attacks and unpredictable strategies, Kenjaku stands out as a true representation of his manga counterpart, delivering thrilling battles with immersive skill and intensity.
Description – Kenjaku, crafted by XwDeark for Mugen, brings an authentic manga-inspired experience to the game. Mastering summoning techniques, Kenjaku can call upon powerful cursed spirits during battle, replicating moves and abilities closely aligned with the original manga. With a formidable range of attacks and unpredictable strategies, Kenjaku stands out as a true representation of his manga counterpart, delivering thrilling battles with immersive skill and intensity.
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