Description – Kamen Rider Build, edited by Ulti and originally created by Youkai Painend, showcases significant enhancements in this improved version. The entire move set has undergone a complete overhaul, resulting in smoother and more dynamic combat capabilities. The visual effects have been updated for a fresh look, while the super abilities have been reworked for better balance and effectiveness. This version elevates Kamen Rider Build to new heights in the Mugen universe.
Description – Kamen Rider Build, edited by Ulti and originally created by Youkai Painend, showcases significant enhancements in this improved version. The entire move set has undergone a complete overhaul, resulting in smoother and more dynamic combat capabilities. The visual effects have been updated for a fresh look, while the super abilities have been reworked for better balance and effectiveness. This version elevates Kamen Rider Build to new heights in the Mugen universe.
Characters With The Same Theme
Characters With The Same Theme