Description – Chun-Li, edited by Inseph and originally created by KeyberJesus, is a dynamic character in the Mugen universe. Her fighting style is a combination of various Chinese martial arts, primarily Tai Chi. Known for her iconic move, ‘Hyakuretsukyaku,’ Chun-Li can unleash a rapid series of kicks in a single motion, showcasing her incredible speed and technique. In the (AC) version, Inseph added new animations to make the character’s movements smoother and more visually appealing. He also incorporated skills such as blocking, running fast, and several other special abilities.
Description – Chun-Li, edited by Inseph and originally created by KeyberJesus, is a dynamic character in the Mugen universe. Her fighting style is a combination of various Chinese martial arts, primarily Tai Chi. Known for her iconic move, ‘Hyakuretsukyaku,’ Chun-Li can unleash a rapid series of kicks in a single motion, showcasing her incredible speed and technique. In the (AC) version, Inseph added new animations to make the character’s movements smoother and more visually appealing. He also incorporated skills such as blocking, running fast, and several other special abilities.
Characters With The Same Theme
Characters With The Same Theme