Description – Choso, created by Mugen Matias, is a character from Jujutsu Kaisen brought into the Mugen universe. Known for his unique blood manipulation abilities, Choso uses powerful techniques to control and weaponize his own blood in combat. His skills bring intense power to battles, embodying the essence of his anime character with dynamic, fluid moves that challenge opponents at every turn.
Character: | Choso |
Author: | Mugen Matias |
Game / Series: | Jujutsu Kaisen |
Mugen Version: | Win Mugen / Mugen 1.0+ |
Downloads: | Link |
Name | Command |
Power Changer | Start |
Smart Combo 1 | A + A + A + A |
Smart Combo 2 | B + B + B + B |
Smart Combo 3 | C + C + C + C |
Skill 1 | ↓ + → + A |
Skill 2 | ↓ + ← + A |
Skill 3 | ↓ + → + B |
Skill 4 | ↓ + ← + B |
Skill 5 | ↓ + → + C |
Skill 6 | ↓ + ← + C |
Skill (H) 1 | ↑ + A |
Skill (H) 2 | ↑ + B |
Skill (H) 3 | ↑ + C |
Ultimate | X |
OSummoning | Start |
- Download the character file to your computer and place it in the ‘chars‘ folder.
- Extract the file using WinRAR.
- Copy the file name and paste it into the “Insert your characters below‘’ section in the
data -> select.def
file. - Open the game and enjoy the new character.
Characters With The Same Theme