Description – Carrot, a Mugen character created by Viande Laborious, is inspired by the One Piece series. As a rabbit Mink, Carrot possesses the unique ability to generate and control electricity through her body, called Electro. She can channel this electricity through her hands, weapons, and directly into her opponents. Her signature moves include Eleclaw, where she electrifies her fists and leaps at her enemy to deliver a shocking blow, and Electrical Luna, where she forms a powerful electrical orb with both hands and slams it into the ground, unleashing a wide-area electrical explosion. In her Sulong form, Carrot’s strength, speed, and electrical abilities are dramatically enhanced.
Description – Carrot, a Mugen character created by Viande Laborious, is inspired by the One Piece series. As a rabbit Mink, Carrot possesses the unique ability to generate and control electricity through her body, called Electro. She can channel this electricity through her hands, weapons, and directly into her opponents. Her signature moves include Eleclaw, where she electrifies her fists and leaps at her enemy to deliver a shocking blow, and Electrical Luna, where she forms a powerful electrical orb with both hands and slams it into the ground, unleashing a wide-area electrical explosion. In her Sulong form, Carrot’s strength, speed, and electrical abilities are dramatically enhanced.
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Characters With The Same Theme