Description – Bowsette is a Mugen character created by Xkleitoss, based on the fan-made concept of an anthropomorphized, genderbent version of Bowser from the Super Mario series. The character originates from the use of the Super Crown power-up, which transforms Bowser into a princess-like form called “Koppa Hime.” Bowsette gained massive popularity online shortly after the release of a trailer for New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, becoming a viral sensation in both Western and Eastern internet communities. In Mugen, Bowsette often features unique movesets and animations inspired by her fan lore and origins.
Description – Bowsette is a Mugen character created by Xkleitoss, based on the fan-made concept of an anthropomorphized, genderbent version of Bowser from the Super Mario series. The character originates from the use of the Super Crown power-up, which transforms Bowser into a princess-like form called “Koppa Hime.” Bowsette gained massive popularity online shortly after the release of a trailer for New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, becoming a viral sensation in both Western and Eastern internet communities. In Mugen, Bowsette often features unique movesets and animations inspired by her fan lore and origins.
Characters With The Same Theme
Characters With The Same Theme