Description – Albedo, created by Xkleitoss in the Mugen game series, is a fierce and loyal guardian from the Overlord light novel universe. As a central character, she embodies both elegance and power, with her striking armor and unwavering dedication to Ainz Ooal Gown, her supreme master. Known for her ruthless combat abilities and captivating design, Albedo adds depth and intensity to every battle, making her a favorite among fans of the series.
Description – Albedo, created by Xkleitoss in the Mugen game series, is a fierce and loyal guardian from the Overlord light novel universe. As a central character, she embodies both elegance and power, with her striking armor and unwavering dedication to Ainz Ooal Gown, her supreme master. Known for her ruthless combat abilities and captivating design, Albedo adds depth and intensity to every battle, making her a favorite among fans of the series
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